From: Donal Nolan <>
To: Christian Witting <>
Purshouse, Craig <>
Neil Foster <>
Robert Stevens <>
TT Arvind <>
Date: 13/02/2018 10:00:04 UTC
Subject: RE: UKSC on negligence and police immunity

I don’t think that Lord Reed could have been clearer in disavowing the idea of a three-stage Caparo ‘test’ in duty of care cases. Rob said it would have been better if the UKSC had killed off the Caparo ‘test’ altogether, but looking at his judgment again I think that is precisely what Lord Reed has done, while holding on to some of the language from the third stage. Quite rightly, Lord Reed distinguishes what he calls the ‘Caparo approach’ (reasoning by analogy from existing cases etc), which is a reference to what was actually said in Caparo, from the idea of a Caparo ‘test’, which is entirely contrary to the spirit of the original decision. Following on from Michael v CC South Wales, where Lord Toulson launched his scathing attack on the interpretation of Caparo as laying down a general test, it would surely be very brave of counsel or a lower court judge to employ the three-stage ‘test’ in the future.


As for the presence of the Caparo elements in Lord Reed’s judgment in Robinson, critics of Caparo do not deny that foreseeability plays a role in the duty enquiry, which deals with (1). It also deals with (2), as these quotations quite clearly come from a discussion of foreseeability (Lord Reed’s point being that because the claimant was nearby it was foreseeable that she might be injured by the police officers’ actions). And as for (3), the implication seems to be that to ‘put in play a legal issue that is not determined simply because foreseeability and proximity are present’ necessarily involves a particular kind of policy analysis, an argument that rests on the assumption that something like the Caparo framework is in play, thereby begging the question we are trying to answer.


And yes of course the duty of care enquiry will often have a normative dimension – though of course to what extent it has one will depend on the level of the decision and the applicability of existing precedents – but since when did that mean that the courts were constrained to employ a ‘test’ that was never even intended as a test (and ‘laid down’ in a case in which both Lord Bridge and Lord Oliver disavowed general duty tests), the key stages of which are meaningless (proximity) and tautologous (fair, just and reasonable)?


It’s also worth emphasising that in disavowing the test the UKSC is not departing in a significant way from its own earlier practice. As James Plunkett shows in his recently published monograph The Duty of Care in Negligence (Hart, 2018), p 184, from 1985-2015 the House of Lords/UKSC used the Caparo test in only about a quarter of its decisions on duty of care questions. Even allowing for the fact that Caparo was decided five years into that time period, it has clearly never been the dominant approach at the ultimate appeal level in the UK, but has tended to be used more frequently in the lower courts, where (as in this case) it has almost always obscured the real issues, rather than illuminated them.


all best




From: Christian Witting []
Sent: 12 February 2018 17:54
To: Donal Nolan; Purshouse, Craig; Neil Foster; Robert Stevens; TT Arvind;
Subject: RE: UKSC on negligence and police immunity


Dear Colleagues,


If this case is supposed to represent a ‘retreat from Caparo’, then it appears to have been very unsuccessful because it is quite clear that all of the Caparo elements are present in the main judgment. We don’t even have to look at what Lord Mance says about method. Thus we find in Robinson reference to:


Foreseeability – ‘… it was reasonably foreseeable that if the arrest was attempted at a time when pedestrians … were close to Williams [suspect being arrested], they might be knocked into and injured… That reasonably foreseeable risk of injury was sufficient to impose on the officers a duty of care towards the pedestrians in the immediate vicinity when the arrest was being attempted…’: para 74


Proximity – ‘As they struggled, the men [police and suspect] knocked into Mrs Robinson and they all fell to the ground, with Mrs Robinson underneath’: para 1; ‘Pedestrians were passing in close vicinity to Williams…  [I]f the arrest was attempted at a time when pedestrians … were close to Williams, they might be knocked into and injured’: para 74. Can we deny that this is reasoning about proximity between persons?


Policy – ‘The principal question which has to be decided in the appeal is whether the officers owed a duty of care to Mrs Robinson’: para 2; and: ‘Did the police officers owe a duty of care to Mrs Robinson?’: para 20. Just to ask these questions is to put in play a legal issue that is not determined simply because foreseeability and proximity are present.


Lord Reed becomes more explicit about this when he says ‘where established principles do not provide an answer [and indeed there was obvious confusion about this matter on the existing authorities] … the courts need to go beyond those principles in order to decide whether a duty of care should be recognised… The courts … have to exercise judgement when deciding whether a duty of care should be recognised in a novel type of case. It is the exercise of judgement in those circumstances that involves consideration of what is “fair just and reasonable”’: para 27.


Whether you call the final stage of Caparo one of policy or ‘judgment’, the real point is that the question is one about whether a norm is to be created or continued – ie, a norm about the need for care between classes of person.


What if there is existing precedent? Does this mean that there is no need to consider the normative dimension? The idea that just because there is existing authority one way or another means that there is no need to consider the continuing salience of the norm of duty or no-duty is obviously wrong. As Barbara Fried writes in her article ‘The limits of a non-consequentialist approach to tort’ (2012) 18 Legal Theory 231, ‘it is easy to lose sight of the fact that what is is entitled at most to a presumption that it is right. It might be wrong. At some point, the presumption of rightness has to be defended…’.


In my opinion, there is no escape from the logical basis of the three stage Caparo test in novel cases. There is no escape from the normative dimension of any consideration of the existing authorities. If either of these propositions can be disavowed, Robinson did not do it.


Christian A Witting

Professor of Private Law

Queen Mary University of London


Phone: 020 7882 3943



From: Donal Nolan []
Sent: 09 February 2018 07:51
To: Purshouse, Craig <>; Neil Foster <>; Robert Stevens <>; TT Arvind <>;
Subject: RE: UKSC on negligence and police immunity


Definitely a welcome decision in many respects, not least because (a) it overturned a very dangerous decision below, and (b) it represents a significant milestone in what we might now term the ‘retreat from Caparo’.


There is, however, a clear error in para 39, where it is said that “Gorringe v Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council … made it clear that the principle which had been applied in Stovin v Wise in relation to a statutory duty was also applicable to statutory powers”. That should be the other way round….


all best




From: Purshouse, Craig []
Sent: 09 February 2018 07:23
To: Neil Foster; Robert Stevens; TT Arvind;
Subject: Re: UKSC on negligence and police immunity


I also agree. The Supreme Court decision - both on the interpretation of Caparo and the finding that the police owe a duty of care not physically injure people - is a welcome one but it really should not have been necessary. Hallett LJ's exposition of basic principles in the Court of Appeal would shame an undergraduate.


If I had the time I would also point out a number of remarkably suspicious similarities between sections of Lord Reed’s judgment and certain parts of my article ‘Arrested Development: Police Negligence and the Caparo “Test” for Duty of Care’ (2016) 23 Torts LJ 1 (which was in the bundle)...but I must go and deal with some student plagiarism investigations.


Dr Craig Purshouse

Lecturer in Law

School of Law and Social Justice, University of Liverpool

Room 258 Mulberry Court, Mulberry Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZY.

T: 0151 795 8669


Latest research:

From: Neil Foster <>
Sent: 09 February 2018 00:38:03
To: Robert Stevens; TT Arvind;
Subject: Re: UKSC on negligence and police immunity


Dear Colleagues;

I agree, this is a sensible decision. In Australia the High Court has not ruled authoritatively on the principles governing police negligence, but two State appellate decisions have supported the view that, while a duty may not be owed to possible victims or to suspects being investigated or apprehended, there is no bar to an action against the police in relation to harm caused to “bystanders”: see  Victoria v Richards (2010) 27 VR 343 at [20], ACT v Crowley (2012) 7 ACTLR 142 at [300], [311[] (though the comments were obiter in Crowley as that case involved the issue of a duty owed to a suspected offender.)






From: Robert Stevens <>
Date: Friday, 9 February 2018 at 1:07 am
To: TT Arvind <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: UKSC on negligence and police immunity


Good, although it would have been better still to kill off the ridiculous Caparo "test" altogether. (Can something be fair but unjust? Reasonable but unfair?)


The idea that the police could have a judge created privilege to negligently injure pedestrians was an absurdity. That we had to go up to the UKSC to confirm this, and we then get pages of complex judgments, only shows how badly corrupt the law had got. 


Gorringe, Michael and now Robinson help put the law back on a sensible footing (ie exactly the same footing it was on in 1941). What a ridiculous long and winding road our ultimate appellate court has led us down.


The conflation by some of "public policy" with "reasons" is very tiresome (Mance [84]). How could anybody think that the problem could be the judges resorting to reasons?


Lord Hughes also gets the question wrong. the question is not "when the police do or do not owe a legal duty of care to individuals in the course of performing their public functions of investigating and preventing crime." Rather it is "do the police owe the same duty not to negligently injure people as everyone else?" to which the answer is "yes, of course."

From: TT Arvind []
Sent: 08 February 2018 10:37
Subject: UKSC on negligence and police immunity

Dear colleagues,


The UK Supreme Court has this morning handed down judgment in Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2018] UKSC 4, covering among other things the scope of the fair, just, and reasonable limb of Caparo, and the Hill immunity.


Mrs. Robinson, the claimant-appellant in the case, was a bystander during an arrest.  The arresting officer failed to notice her presence during the arrest.  In the struggle between the police officers and the offender, Mrs. Robinson was knocked down, and suffered injury.  The Court of Appeal held that the three-stage Caparo test applied to the case, and it would not be fair, just, or reasonable to impose a duty of care on the police.  It also held that the Hill immunity applied in general to the law of negligence.  The Supreme Court unanimously allowed Mrs. Robinson’s appeal.  Lord Reed, delivering the leading judgment held that the idea that Caparo established a tripartite test is mistaken. Caparo should be not read as implying that the courts will only impose a duty of care if it is fair, just, and reasonable to do so.  Hill does not confer a blanket immunity, and should be read in light of the act / omission distinction.


A few excerpts follow:


“21. The proposition that there is a Caparo test which applies to all claims in the modern law of negligence, and that in consequence the court will only impose a duty of care where it considers it fair, just and reasonable to do so on the particular facts, is mistaken. As Lord Toulson pointed out in his landmark judgment in Michael v Chief Constable of South Wales Police (Refuge and others intervening) [2015] UKSC 2; [2015] AC 1732, para 106, that understanding of the case mistakes the whole point of Caparo, which was to repudiate the idea that there is a single test which can be applied in all cases in order to determine whether a duty of care exists, and instead to adopt an approach based, in the manner characteristic of the common law, on precedent, and on the development of the law incrementally and by analogy with established authorities. […]


“26. […] Where the existence or non-existence of a duty of care has been established, a consideration of justice and reasonableness forms part of the basis on which the law has arrived at the relevant principles. It is therefore unnecessary and inappropriate to reconsider whether the existence of the duty is fair, just and reasonable (subject to the possibility that this court may be invited to depart from an established line of authority). Nor, a fortiori, can justice and reasonableness constitute a basis for discarding established principles and deciding each case according to what the court may regard as its broader merits [...]


“27. It is normally only in a novel type of case, where established principles do not provide an answer, that the courts need to go beyond those principles in order to decide whether a duty of care should be recognised. Following Caparo, the characteristic approach of the common law in such situations is to develop incrementally and by analogy with established authority. The drawing of an analogy depends on identifying the legally significant features of the situations with which the earlier authorities were concerned. The courts also have to exercise judgement when deciding whether a duty of care should be recognised in a novel type of case. It is the exercise of judgement in those circumstances that involves consideration of what is “fair, just and reasonable”.


“29. Properly understood, Caparo thus achieves a balance between legal certainty and justice. In the ordinary run of cases, courts consider what has been decided previously and follow the precedents (unless it is necessary to consider whether the precedents should be departed from). In cases where the question whether a duty of care arises has not previously been decided, the courts will consider the closest analogies in the existing law, with a view to maintaining the coherence of the law and the avoidance of inappropriate distinctions. They will also weigh up the reasons for and against imposing liability, in order to decide whether the existence of a duty of care would be just and reasonable. In the present case, however, the court is not required to consider an extension of the law of negligence. All that is required is the application to particular circumstances of established principles governing liability for personal injuries.


“55. The case of Hill is not, therefore, authority for the proposition that the police enjoy a general immunity from suit in respect of anything done by them in the course of investigating or preventing crime. On the contrary, the liability of the police for negligence or other tortious conduct resulting in personal injury, where liability would arise under ordinary principles of the law of tort, was expressly confirmed. Lord Keith spoke of an “immunity”, meaning the absence of a duty of care, only in relation to the protection of the public from harm through the performance by the police of their function of investigating crime.”


The judgment is available here:


Best wishes,

